Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Important Life Learning Lesson

Important Life Learning Lesson

This is such an important life learning lesson they don't teach you in school so please take it to heart as excellent advice.

No matter what, we are to have boundaries in our lives. Sadly, we have to protect our own hearts and minds from those who seek to drag us down but that is why we establish those boundaries. It doesn't mean we will never have anything to do with those people but it does mean that we have to be careful of who we walk with in life and who are really are true friends & family.

Everyone in their lives have a phase that they go through and it leads to different directions and situation this is where free will comes into play remember God gives those choices of each individual whether if it's right or wrong becasue there are different kinds of peoples who used peoples for those benifits. I do that anyway and I dont have time for foolish people like that they have nothing better to do than hurt you or talk about you or stab you in the back I just walk away from that's hard to do life is hard and I have a hard time with people like that they stress me out and im a very sensitive person and i let people bother me that's just my nature I can't help it.

This is the another lesson of the life that some people can't be in your life all the time than being seasonal! I have always tried to help and be there for people and give what ever I have or more love money what ever all.

That is so true, no a days it is like the fashion for people using people for what ever reason, that is so sad, what i find most sad is families waiting not patiently for their parents to die, but impatiently so that they can be heirs to what they did not earn, this to me is a lesson i hope to never have to do, but being poor helps me, so nobody can teach me a lesson.

We can change the world and we will change the world, and we have the power to change the world we just have to let God lead us to the plan because his is the captain and the king off all things . Take the oder from God and we will prosper and change the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! Life is full of emotions! Sometimes, we need the more careness in the life.

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