Thursday, July 16, 2015

Trust on your journey with someone

From the beginning of our lives, we heard a lot of stories from best wishers but most of them are based on the love, patience, understanding, honesty, loyalty and trust for each others. This is the main reason that we always try to find out a very special person having all the best qualities to make our life awesome. This is the most common thing which is applicable to everyone.

We need to share our thoughts to our best friend and I think there is no need to define a true bond of the friendship between two people! correct?

For me, I would definitely love to share this with my spouse and trusting my journey with her. Our love, patience, understanding, honesty, loyalty and trust for each other are strong enough to make this journey with her the most happiest, loving and caring relationship that I ever had with God always there helping us her a lot!!!!

We know that the journey and life path has changed and is changing as we grow as a person and learn each day because its hard to pick only one people to sharing this loveliness with; when so many have served and important role in where we are today. 

It doesn't a matter; how far away we are from one another; love still keeps us close. This is the trust of our lives. 

For Best Friends
In life, we have friends who need gentle reminders sometimes who never give up even though they keep going through one loss after another but they remain strong and we manage to lean on each on each other for our journey. We have been through bad times & good times together. But throughout all of the times, we were always there for each other no matter what. We have seen each other down & we have seen each other come up.

I have seen the most trust able bonds between best friends, couples, grandmother and grand daughters, siblings and neighbors also. 

Sometimes a true bond is also discovered in pan pals also. It's the most amazing things that how does world change person to person. The main reason is, we are kindred spirits and our life journey paths definitely crossed for a reason we know now. 

In a long distance relationship,  this journey has to keep going on with trust, so that none of us gives up. 

I would like to share that just trust on your life and be the very special for someone having love, patience, understanding, honesty, loyalty and trust.

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