Monday, August 3, 2015

It is always the right time

God places Angels in our path at the perfect times.

Kindness from the heart is a rare and treasured gift to the person who has it and gives it. let us all embrace the kindness in each other and we will have peace in the world. Make an act of kindness to someone everyday can make a difference. The true fact is that Kindness never hurts. You don't realize the importance of being kind until you are surrounded by unkind people. A kind word, a nice smile goes a long and doesn't cost you a cent. 

It is very amazing thing we have without any cost. Kindness is free but not everyone understands it is always the right time. If people just take time to say one kind word every day to a person it can make a difference. It can save a life or just brighten someones day.

Get fed up and change maybe some magic can happen or some angels will guide you to change for the better. Time to move on and stop feeling like you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. You may stumble a few times along the way, but at least you are moving on. Yes! when you are fed up look for better pastures and move on and you will be surprised your action is always right. If you are waiting around for conditions to be perfect before you stick your neck out, you will be waiting forever. So, go for the good things in life folks. Life is short.

Taking the leap
If you do not take a leap into something thats good for your future, that deep in your soul and instinct is good,then you are throwing away your chances of doing something good in your life,hoping that something else may come along one day, that may not happen, so, take that chance who nows what could happen? In fact there is no comment, because your knowledge is your power to have a courage to try believe in your self and have faith!.

Taking the leap in anything is hard to do, if it's a relationship then it takes communication, trust and belief from both people to take the leap together. Not waiting for perfect conditions, only possible conditions, that's life you take chances You grow and learn by taking chances. why not now? because if not now ultimately there's a very good chance, you "ll be saying "why didnt I? Trust me when I tell you. trying and failing is much less painful than the regret of not trying at all. Just be sure you don't leap from the frying pan in to the fire! It takes a lot of courage to make that leap. Once done the relief one feels is amazing!

Remember, Roads are tough and rough but we have to cross the other side and see what's in store for you. Keep going each step may get harder but don't stop. The view at the top is beautiful.

SMILEThe gift of a smile, oh how it can almost effortlessly turn on that inner light we all possess. Thank you for acknowledging that I may have brought this gift to you, and how wonderful it is to be accepted for who we are. Keep smiling, keep sharing the gift we all benefit from SMILE. Be happy with yourself and respect and like others. Don't buy into other peoples poor attitudes. I believe in the POWER of POSITIVE THINKING, I also believe the more ETHICAL you are the better it makes you feel, and belief in your fellow HUMAN BEING is good for the SOUL, just be nice, CHILL out, makes LIFE all Worthwhile, and let's face it what's the ALTERNATIVE miserable I would imagine.

Never lose hope
Never lose hope, just keep on moving forward and have faith in God. Personal happiness never lasts as long as the pain that follows it. Patience & prayers are the keys to hope. That is right, we always trying to be in the safe side, sometimes we just need only to be aware of our environment and trust in the Divine Protection of God.

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