Rewarding the loyal employees should be considered as Investment for long lasting business and revenues. Loyal or not, the driving force for turning up to work every day as an employee is to “earn” a living. If this becomes diluted then so does the drive to stay loyal!. Income should always match the contribution, this is a very simple rule and has nothing to do with loyalty.
Loyalty as a word here does not suit the employees. Infact, it is the hard work and intelligence for which the employers are paid and which they deserve as well. Employers have complete rights to seek opportunities around as they will always look for the same for their career growth and new challenges. At the same time company should pay them as per their efforts and dedication. Employers get paid for their work and dedication. Their loyalty is hard work. If they are not paid well they will leave the company and the company will loose the talent. But the employee will get other opportunities because he always was working hard.
Loyalty may be subjectively seen by bosses where employees may be docile. Nevertheless (s)he may be utterly focused and result oriented. The financial success of employee can be related to mathematical relation - Directly proportional to highlighting himself as always relevant for him and inversely proportional to time spent indicating the work goals achieved.
Loyalty is the result of positive actions. Those who continue to be loyal in an unfair reprimand conjuncture must have low self-esteem including fear of losing their job.
There are Organisations or functions or leaders who just prefers to ignore the Long term implication of it. However, sooner or later the outcome is nothing but attrition. And then the whole cost of rehiring and reinstalling an incumbent, would cover up or probably exceed the original cost of retaining a talented employee. Not forget the viral marketing that happens from the unhappy employee for which fresh hiring might also be a challenge.
Organisation try to suck the max out of employee in the name of loyalty. The organization here value a person only if he resigns. Corporate succumbing to employee blackmail is common while caring for the deserving is rare. Trusted people sometimes cannot fetch the result. Good people never smell of the successful life. Only positive attitude people can fetch the positive results. That s power of positive attitude but it s very difficult to find out the positive attitude people. However let s be strong let s be confident let s be positive. They are the key source for upcoming planets , they created that planet so they only able to control that planet . We all should protect them , otherwise alien took over that source from us.
Absolutely an eye opening post for all those who want to take everything from their employees but not ready to give them a justifying salary that would even able to take care of their basic needs. In three years of time span I haven't come across a single Company/Entity/Organisation or a Boss who does realise how important is to satisfy employees with appropriate range of salaries because no matter what most of us are working for MONEY and it's the only motivating factor that make an individual to feel give best outcomes and increase productivity and let's do more attitude for an employer when they see their companies are taking care of them. May be there must be some out there in my Country and I'm unlucky to find one.
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